My experience has been exceptional. My wife was dying with myelofibrosis and acute leukemia. The service we were using kept telling me the unit was full of coolant, Bla, Bla. They told me the unit was too small, etc. etc., so I had had enough of them, and I called Coastal Home Services, Inc. Sammy, the owner, came and as we were walking upstairs, he said, “do you hear that”. I told him no as I do not hear well. He said you have air bubbles in your lines as I hear them going up the wall. He charged the old unit and said we might could keep it alive for a couple of more years. I asked him to quote me a larger unit as the prior group had said the one I had was too small. He did some calculations and said one the size of my current one was sufficient and that it was better to slightly under size a unit than over size it; so, he suggested replacing the current unit with the same size. I told him I did not want to mess with trying to keep the old one running as it was critical that we have a properly cooling unit. He quoted me a new one which he installed when it arrived. While we were waiting on the new unit, he told me to call anytime the old one did not seem to be cooling as it should and we would recharge it as needed until we got the new one. They were out here 3 or 4 times before we got the new one. Anytime the old one was beginning “to weaken” I called, and they had someone out here in less than 24 hours so Beverly was not without cool air.
A couple of years after Beverly passed, the larger downstairs unit started not cooling as it should. Needless to say, I made only one phone call for service or replacement. That call was to Coastal home services.